The Yellowstone Brass

Yellowstone Brass Quintet (2019 Photo)
Photo at "An Old Fashioned 4th of July" held at Rexburg's Smith Park Gazebo on July 2, 2019.

Yellowstone Brass Quintet (2022 Photo)
Photo at BYU-Idaho's Christmas Gathering for Employees in the Taylor Building on December 13, 2022.

The Yellowstone Brass formed in the fall of 1997 and have performed at a variety of socials, concerts, and programs throughout our region.
All members of this group have connections to Rexburg and Madison School District.

If you have a performance opportunity for this group, please e-mail Mr. North
and we can see if your event can fit into the schedule of the Yellowstone Brass.

E-Mail the Yellowstone Brass